We want paying the rent to be as simple and convenient as possible for you.
We offer numerous ways to pay.
- You can mail your rent to:
P.O. BOX 585
FREEPORT, IL 61032-0585
- You can drop your rental payment in our convenient DROP BOX, located just SE of Freeport's downtown area (see directions below).
- You can set up direct payments from your checking account to ours.
- You can pay by credit card or checking account through PayPal®*
* Payments made through PayPal® require an additional $15.00 on the rent
(which is still cheaper than paying late!)
If you don't already have a PayPal® account, sign up today at www.paypal.com .
It’s fast, easy and convenient!
- Did you know you can even pay your rent with your phone! If you have a PayPal® account you can either call 800-PAYPAL (800-472-9725) and follow the instructions or send a text message with the amount (remember to add the $15 surcharge) and our phone number to 729725 (PAYPAL) or 408-555-1111 (example: send 10.50 to 8152334663). You will be called back by PayPal® to review and confirm your payment by entering your PIN.
- We also offer Weekly or Bi-Weekly Pay Day plans for rent payment. **
(** Again, there is a small processing fee required, but the ease and convenience may be worth it to you.)
- Another high tech convenience, If you'd like - we can email you any invoice or statement you may need and our emailed invoices also have a PayPal® option to pay immediately through your account. Those of you needing a current statement for an assistance program, can, in turn, forward the documents to that agency in an efficient manner also!
- We are also able to accept payment in person by VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express debit and credit cards.
For your convenience, we have a drop box located in a brick barn in the alleyway between Winslow and Washington Streets, just off Adams Avenue.
If you are on Adams Avenue - go to the middle of the 400 block (between Washington and Winslow Streets) and turn WEST down the alley, just alongside 414/416 S. Adams. Halfway down the alley, on your left side, you will see the big brick barn (covered with ivy in the summertime).
If you are on State Avenue - go to the middle of the 400 block - adjacent to 411 S. State Avenue - turn EAST down the alley. Halfway down the alley, on your right side, you will see the big brick barn (covered with ivy in the summertime).
On the wall of the barn which is closest to the alley (just like the drive-thru at McDonalds!) you will see a big brass drop slot where you can drop your rent (make sure you have your name or address on it). You WILL notice the Drop Box says "REO Applications" - just not a good idea to advertise "Pay the Rent Here" (just as it's not a smart idea to ever drop off cash - never a good idea to carry around much cash). This is a secure locked box though, and monitored.